Source code for mario_addons.plugins.walking

"""Functions for walking a tree."""

import builtins
import typing as t

import mario.interpret

[docs]def build_new(old, new): """Build a new instance of the old type, with new data.""" return type(old)(new)
[docs]def traverse_one_level_json(handle_item, tree): """Traverse one level of a json-like tree.""" if isinstance(tree, and not isinstance(tree, str): return build_new(tree, [handle_item(x) for i, x in enumerate(tree)]) if isinstance(tree, return build_new(tree, {k: handle_item(v) for k, v in tree.items()}) return tree
[docs]def build_walker(descend: t.Callable, handle_item: t.Callable) -> t.Callable: """Build a walker with specified functions.""" def walk_tree(data, *args, **kwargs): recursed = descend(walk_tree, data, *args, **kwargs) return handle_item(recursed, *args, **kwargs) return walk_tree
[docs]def make_func(code: str, namespace: t.Dict[str, object]) -> t.Callable: """Make a transformer function.""" # pylint: disable=fixme # TODO Use the parser from mario core. if "x" not in code: code += "(x)" # pylint: disable=fixme # TODO Move this earlier in the process so it only needs to be executed # once, maybe with click.ParamType. # pylint: disable=eval-used return lambda x: eval(code, {**namespace, "x": x})
[docs]def prefixes(multi_attribute_access: str) -> t.List[str]: """Get prefixes of a namepsaced name. >>> prefixes('a.b.c') ['a.b.c', 'a.b', 'a'] """ split = multi_attribute_access.split(".") out = [] while split: out.append(".".join(split)) split.pop(-1) return out
[docs]def get_type_object(namespaced_type_name: str) -> t.Type: """Turns a qualname into the corresponding object.""" if "." not in namespaced_type_name: return getattr(builtins, namespaced_type_name) name_to_module = mario.interpret.build_name_to_module(namespaced_type_name) for module_name in prefixes(namespaced_type_name): module = name_to_module.get(module_name) if module is not None: break else: raise ImportError(module_name) obj = module # pylint: disable=undefined-loop-variable remainder = namespaced_type_name[len(module_name) :] names = [name for name in remainder.split(".") if name] while names: obj = getattr(obj, names[0]) names.pop() return obj
[docs]def build_mapping(pairs: t.Iterable[t.Tuple[str, str]]): """Build a type-to-transformer mapping.""" mapping = {} for input_type, converter in pairs: converter_namespace = mario.interpret.build_name_to_module(converter) mapping[get_type_object(input_type)] = make_func(converter, converter_namespace) return mapping
[docs]def build_transforming_json_walker(pairs: t.List[t.Tuple[str, str]]) -> t.Callable: """Build a walker for json-like trees.""" mapping = build_mapping(pairs) def transform_type(value): func = mapping.get(type(value), lambda y: y) return func(value) return build_walker(descend=traverse_one_level_json, handle_item=transform_type)
# class PairParam(click.ParamType): # def __init__(self, left_type, right_type): # self.left_type = left_type # self.right_type = right_type # def convert(self, value, param, ctx): # left, right = value.split("=", maxsplit=1) # return self.left_type.convert(left), self.right_type.convert(right) # class EvalParam(click.ParamType): # def convert(self, value, param, ctx): # return make_func(value, mario.interpret.build_name_to_module(value))